Real World UNIX

This Real World Unix curriculum enables students to achieve real goals in the Unix environment. It teaches not only the basics of Unix, but also enables graduates to direct their own advanced research.


Boot and shutdown 
Understanding the boot process
Single user mode

Manage users and groups The superuser, users, and groups The user and password database Creating, suspending, and deleting user accounts Creating new user accounts Managing group accounts Basic account security Managing users
Logging system events Understanding syslog and system logs Configuring the system log daemon Rotating and archiving logs
Automating system tasks
Scheduling jobs in using at Scheduling jobs in using cron Using cron Configuring user access to scheduling services
Unix backup issues Planning a unix backup strategy Implementing backups
Documentation Understanding Unix documentation Providing technical assistance for Unix

Unix Shells/Scripts

Using the shell
The shell user interface
Navigating the filesystem
Basic shell utilties

Writing script files Preparing a script file Input and output Standard output Standard input Appending to files Redirection of standard io
Advanced scripting Shell variables Quoting mechanisms Command substitution File name generation Writing simple scripts Conditional statements Checking file status Writing a simple script Looping statements Processing files Functions


Navigating the filesystem 
Unix Files 
Filesystem hierarchy standard
Exploring the filesystem hierarchy
Finding files and commands
Identifying files
Using hard and symbolic links

File permissions and ownership
Setting permissions on files Setting permissions on directories Using special permission modes Managing Unix file ownership
Filesystem mounting
Mounting filesystems Configuring filesystems for mounting Mounting and unmounting filesystems manually
Filesystem management Monitoring filesystem usage Checking filesystems Reporting your Unix system's file usage The role of partitions in a Unix filesystem Creating partitions and filesystems in Unix
Disk quotas Understanding disk quotas Managing Unix disk quotas

Kernel Configuration

Working with the kernel
Understanding the kernel
Preparing for kernel installation
Configuring kernel parameters
Compiling and installing a new kernel
Installing a new kernel in Linux

Managing kernel modules Kernel modules in Linux Loading and unloading kernel modules in Linux

Network Basics

Using basic TCP/IP network utilities
Understanding TCP/IP networking in Unix I 
Understanding TCP/IP networking in Unix II 
Primer on IP subnetts 

TCP/IP configuration TCP/IP configuration files in Unix Configuring Unix network interfaces using 'ifconfig' Routing in Unix Monitoring a network using Open Source software

Network Services

Configuring inetd
Using inetd configuration files 
Managing Internet services
Using TCP Wrappers 

DNS services DNS services (ISC BIND)
Managing sendmail E-mail protocols and terminology Sendmail configuration Sendmail Management
Apache Apache configuration files Configuring a web site
NFS and Samba
Overview of the Unix NFS Exporting and mounting Network Filesystems in Unix Configuring Samba Running smbd, nmbd, and smbclient

Basic Security

Introduction to security
The threats of no security
Physical security and access control in Unix
File and directory security in Unix
System logs and intrusion detection
Unix Security Software

User-level security Password policies Setting user limits with 'umask' Securing shells with ssh

About Unix Genius Japan

Unix Genius Japan is dedicated to tailoring our curriculum to our students needs. We teach our students the basic curriculum and give them an advantage by showing them how to focus their learning to obtain their goals. We do this by individualized counseling, and followup sessions. Experience the advantage of Unix Genius Japan.